Why Dentists May Recommend Wisdom Teeth Removal
It can be a very tough decision as to whether or not you should have your wisdom teeth removed. However, there are several instances in which the dentist may recommend that you have them removed.
As your wisdom teeth grow in, they put a lot of pressure on the other parts of your mouth. This pressure can cause significant amounts of pain as it bears down on your gums and other teeth. Some patients mistakenly believe that this pain will subside if they just give it time. Unfortunately, waiting can cause unforeseen complications, as well as other damage to your surrounding teeth. Increased pressure can lead to swelling, and this swelling can put press on the nerves of your jaw and neck, which leads to more pain. This is why the dentist will recommend removal of you wisdom teeth if you are experiencing pain.
If X-rays were taken of your teeth and the dentist has determined that your wisdom teeth are not growing in correctly, they will also recommend wisdom teeth removal. If they are impacted, the wisdom teeth can not only cause pain and infection, but it may also affect your surrounding teeth. Another instance in which the dentist will recommend removal is in the situation of crowding will result from letting your wisdom teeth grow in. Crowding can cause alignment issues and make it harder to practice good oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing will unfortunately not be as effective if crowding causes food particles to get trapped in areas that you are not able to reach.
If you are wondering whether or not you should get your wisdom teeth removed, contact our expert in dental extraction in North Hollywood to set up a consultation.