Whiter Teeth for a Boost in Confidence
One of the most noticeable aspects of your appearance is your smile. The people around you can take cues about your mood, your thoughts and your feelings by looking at your smile. Unfortunately, when your teeth are stained or discolored, you may refrain from smiling by keeping your lips closed tightly or hiding your smile behind your hand. Not only are you holding back your smile, you are also hiding a crucial part of yourself, which is a practice that can be detrimental to your self-confidence. Our North Hollywood cosmetic dentist can help.
Discolored teeth are one of the easiest things to change about your appearance. Our dentist offers several types of whitening treatments that can help restore your smile and your confidence. Whether you choose in-office whitening or take-home treatments, your teeth will soon be sparkling bright and white. Your confidence will soar as you begin to feel more confident in your smile and your overall appearance, and you will be able to freely express yourself without feeling discouraged or embarrassed about the color of your teeth.
Professional whitening treatments can eliminate nicotine, cola, coffee, tea and wine stains as well as stains caused by tomato sauces, curries and berries. Some stains may be better treated using porcelain veneers, which can conceal stains as well as chips, worn enamel and gaps. Give us a call today to schedule a consultation with our expert in teeth whitening in North Hollywood.