Protecting Your Child's Teeth from Cavities

Protecting Your Child's Teeth from Cavities

As a parent, it is your responsibility to take care of your child's teeth and gums until they are old enough to do a good job on their own. In addition to home care, be sure to schedule regular visits with our North Hollywood dentist to maintain the best protection for your child's teeth.

Keep up with good oral hygiene practices for yourself. This will help reduce the number of cavity-causing germs that you might transfer unwittingly to your infant. It will also lead as a good example for your children to follow when taking care of their own teeth. Before your child's teeth show, wipe his or her gums with a clean, damp cloth twice a day.

Even with proper oral hygiene, there are germs present in your mouth that can result in the formation of cavities. Infants do not have these bacteria in their mouths but can get them from any activities that share your saliva. This can result in the onset of the cavity formation process even before teeth begin to show. Do not share food with your baby and do not put anything in your child's mouth that has been in your mouth or has been in contact with your saliva.

Begin regular dental appointments once your child reaches one year of age. Our expert in pediatric dentistry in North Hollywood can recommend the right supplies and brushing techniques to use on your child's first teeth to reduce cavity risks.