Identifying Gum Disease

Identifying Gum Disease

The gums surround and support your teeth. Gum tissue is tough, but it can be damaged by oral bacteria. When your gums are inflamed or infected, your risk of tooth loss and other serious dental problems increases dramatically. Recognizing the early symptoms of gum disease can help you get the treatment you need and reduce the risk of long-term damage.

Periodontal problems often start in areas that are hard to reach when you brush or floss. Plaque and bacterial debris can build up, and the gums become inflamed in response. Improved dental hygiene is often all that is needed to stop the infection in its track, but many people do not realize they have a problem until more symptoms develop.

Common gum disease symptoms include:

• Red gums• Swollen gums

• Bleeding during dental hygiene routines

• Chronic bad breath

• Tenderness in the gums

• Pus along the gumline

• A receding gum line

• A change in bite

• Loose teeth

As the gums pull away from the teeth, they create small pockets where bacteria can flourish. These pockets can be nearly impossible to clean, and the bacteria can push deeper into the oral cavity, creating deeper pockets and attacking the supporting structures of the teeth.

Your risk of gum disease is higher if you are pregnant, are going through menopause, use tobacco, have a family history of the disease, or have diabetes. Call us to learn more about available periodontal treatments or to schedule an appointment with our team.