How Poor Dental Health Affects Planned Pregnancies
Research is showing more and more how oral health can affect health in many other areas of the body, such as the cardiovascular system and the endocrine system. Now, research shows that there is a correlation between periodontal gum disease and the length of time it takes to conceive for a planned pregnancy.
Poor oral hygiene can result in excess plaque and bacteria in the mouth that clings to the gum line. Over time, bleeding and receding gums allow the harmful bacteria to reach underneath the gums and even enter into the blood stream where it can travel to other areas of the body.
New studies show that women with periodontal gum disease who were trying to become pregnant needed more time to conceive than their counterparts with good oral hygiene. In some cases, more than a year of trying to conceive was required for women with poor oral health practices.
So far, there is no connection showing an actual cause and effect. While the inflammatory effects of periodontal bacteria may directly affect the inflammatory response in the body, including in the female reproductive system, it might be that some women are more prone to inflammatory triggers all over the body, including gum disease.
If you are thinking about becoming pregnant, it is important to receive proper dental care beforehand. Our North Hollywood dentist can give you a thorough examination and cleaning, along with appropriate recommendations on keeping your mouth healthy to reduce the effect on future pregnancy.