Good Vitamins for Your Dental Health

Good Vitamins for Your Dental Health

The benefits that calcium can have for the teeth have long been known. Calcium is necessary for strong bone and teeth formation as well as to prevent cavities and tooth decay. However, there are also other vitamins that are necessary for strong teeth and overall oral health.

Vitamin D makes calcium more effective. This vitamin helps to form stronger teeth while making them a little more resistant to the formation of cavities. Vitamin D also helps to boost the immune system, helping the body to naturally fight the bacteria that can lead to cavities and problems with gum health.

Vitamin A and Vitamin B are important for proper gum health. These vitamins can keep gums strong and help to reduce inflammation and infections. Deficiencies in these vitamins can lead to receding gums that bleed and become inflamed.

Vitamin C is important for the immune system to help reduce the effect of germs on gum tissue and teeth. Deficiency in Vitamin C can lead to bleeding from the gums and loosening of the teeth.

When making sure to get proper nutrients for the best oral hygiene and a healthy mouth, look for a variety of natural sources rather than turning to supplements. Natural sources are more readily available for the body and contain trace nutrients for overall well-being.

Talk to our dentist in North Hollywood to be sure you are getting enough vitamins and appropriate nutrition to care for your health including for your teeth and gums.