Fruits and Vegetables Can Strengthen Teeth
Good oral hygiene is just one way you can take care of your teeth at home. Another vital step to a healthy mouth includes eating a healthy and balanced diet that includes vegetables and fruits. Adding fruits and vegetables to the diet, even outside of meal times, can help strengthen teeth and gums.
The foods you eat can help strengthen teeth, especially foods that contain calcium and Vitamin D. However, there are other important nutrients necessary for good oral health as well, and these can be found in vegetables and fruits. Vitamin C and other nutrients help to neutralize acids and bacteria in the mouth to reduce the harmful effects on teeth and gums. Chewing these foods when fresh can stimulate saliva production and act as little scrubbers on the teeth to remove plaque.
Fruits and vegetables need not be saved until meal times. Eating these fresh produce items can help keep teeth clean throughout the day. Eating fresh vegetables and fruits not only keeps your mouth cleaner by reducing plaque, but replacing processed, refined, or sugary snacks with these healthier food item also reduces tooth and gum exposure to more harmful sugars and acids that can lead to tooth decay and the development of periodontal gum disease.
In addition to home oral hygiene and a healthy diet, be sure to see our North Hollywood dentist for twice a year check-ups along with regular professional dental cleanings for strong teeth and a healthy mouth.