Foods That Can Boost Oral Health

Foods That Can Boost Oral Health

We know that there are certain foods we should avoid because they are bad for our overall and dental health. These foods include those heavy in sugar and acids, such as candy, wine, and fruit. Fortunately, there are some foods that are beneficial for our teeth and oral health. Indulge in these foods and drinks will impress your cosmetic dentist at your next appointment.

Cheese, as well as some other dairy products, is high in calcium and lactic acid. These strengthen the enamel layer of the teeth and prevent decay. Protecting the dentin beneath the enamel also helps keep the teeth whiter.

• Did you know that coffee can actually be good for your dental health? Studies have shown that black coffee may prevent plaque, decay, and bone loss due to periodontal disease.

Gummy bears are also a surprising oral health booster. The xylitol has proven to reduce mutans streptococci (MS) levels, which eliminates plaque and bacteria.

Red wine features ethanol, which we have discovered as antimicrobial. It can kill dental disease-causing bacteria, reducing the risk of periodontitis and other serious concerns.

Red meat contains phosphorus, which protects dental enamel and bone. Chewing tough meat can also help exercise the jaw muscles. Experts have discovered that the more you chew, the stronger and cleaner your teeth become.

Tea can be good for many areas of the body, and the teeth are one of them. The high levels of polyphenols in green and black tea fights bacteria, acid, and glucosyltransferase, an enzyme that allows plaque to stick to the teeth. Tea can also help your system absorb fluoride, a mineral which prevents tooth erosion.

Talk to our dentists for more information.