Best Diets for Dental Care

Best Diets for Dental Care

Some people have a hard time imagining it, but there are ways to combat oral health issues through a good diet. Yes, it’s true. Fruits and veggies aren’t just beneficial to you when it comes to digestion and well-being—they can also change the dynamic of oral hygiene. A poor intake in proper nutrients can contribute to periodontal disease and even cause tooth loss. This disease progresses when you’re not eating correctly. It may pay off to look specifically at calcium and phosphorous intake, as well as the management of proper fluoride levels.

The drinking of sugary juices, coffee, and sodas can take its toll. Milk and other dairy products are low in sugar and contain protein and calcium, all of which teeth. Poultry, fish, and even eggs are rich in phosphorus and other valuable proteins. Fruits and vegetables also have their place, as they are fibrous and can even help clean teeth. Saliva production is stimulated by chewing. This can help wash away harmful acids and other food particles that could otherwise cause problems. Even eating nuts and other low-carb food can lessen the risk of cavities because decay is caused by bacteria activated by carbohydrates.

The best diet is a balanced one. And as we found out, being low on proper nutrients may affect how your body resists infection. This can mean a whole lot when fighting off gum disease and tooth decay. There’s no reason to risk it when all you have to do is eat a bit better.