Are There any Risks to Dental Implants?

Are There any Risks to Dental Implants?

The placement of dental implants is one of the safest procedures in dentistry today. For healthy adults, dental implant placement is safe and generally successful.

However, as with any medical procedure, complications can and sometimes do arise. Risks associated with the placement of dental implants include:

• Infection, which can often be treated with medication

• Damage to adjacent teeth or tooth roots

• Inability to complete the procedure due to insufficient jawbone.

• Sinus issues due to the implant invading the sinus canals

• Fractures of the implant

• Nerve damage, which can lead to pain, numbness or tingling in the facial area

• Failure of the implant

The risk for complications is higher with some patients than others. Some habits and conditions that can increase the risk involved in placing dental implants include:

• Tobacco use

• Teeth grinding or clenching

• Insufficient bone available to support the implant

• Gum disease

• Diabetes

• Medications that cause dry mouth

Some risks can be reduced or eliminated. For instance, bone grafts can sometimes be performed to increase the amount of bone available for the implant. A Medication that causes dry mouth can sometimes be changed for one that does not produce this side effect. Improved oral hygiene habits can reduce the risk for gum disease.

You will need to undergo a thorough oral exam, including dental x-rays, and an evaluation of your medical history to assess your fitness for dental implants. Only after these things are completed can your dentist assess your risks and determine whether you would make a good candidate for implant placement.

To learn whether implants are right for you, contact our office to schedule an appointment.