Adverse Effects of Skipping Dental Checkups
It might be tempting to skip twice a year dental checkups when everything in your mouth seems to be doing well. However, the average person can miss symptoms that may not seem like much but can lead to further costs and complications with health if not treated appropriately and in a timely manner.
For example, a small cavity may go unnoticed until it is too late to save the tooth. Once pain can be felt from a cavity, the root is typically compromised. This can lead to the necessity of a root canal or extraction of the affected tooth. Root canals are expensive procedures and are not always effective to save a tooth.
Gum disease can lead to loss of teeth, gum tissue, and even bone in extreme situations and may not show any symptoms. Both untreated cavities and gum disease can lead to abscesses and infections within the mouth that can spread into the blood stream, the brain, the heart, or other areas of the body. Discolorations and sores can also mean the beginnings of oral cancer and need to be treated appropriately.
Have a professional cleaning and exam approximately twice a year. The dentist can check for cavities, gum disease, and questionable markings within the mouth. The dentist can even determine if other health problems may be present in the body due to the conditions inside of the mouth. Schedule your appointment with our North Hollywood dentist for good oral hygiene.