Advantages of Dental Veneers
Dental veneers are a fast way to get the smile of your dreams. They are a thin layer of porcelain that fits over the visible part of the tooth to create a whole new look.
Veneers are extremely versatile and offer many benefits, including:
1. The ability to dramatically change your smile for the better.
2. “Instant orthodontics,” meaning small orthodontic flaws can be quickly and easily covered with veneers.
3. Protection against future stains, due to the ability of porcelain to resist staining.
4. Improving strength for teeth that have been damaged or filled.
5. A natural appearance that reflects light just like dental enamel.
6. Results that can last up to 15 years or longer.
7. The ability to cover just about any cosmetic problem, including chips, discolorations, broken teeth and worn enamel.
If you are a candidate for veneers, you may have a new smile after just a few visits. We will plan your smile with you to create a look that flatters your whole appearance and that makes you feel good about yourself. After your teeth are prepared, dental impressions are created and sent to the dental laboratory to make your new veneers. When they are finished, we will attach them to your prepared teeth using powerful bonding cement. Taking care of them is simple: Just make sure to brush and floss them just like you do your natural teeth. Call us to find out more or to schedule an appointment with our expert in dental veneers in North Hollywood.